Affiliate Disclosure

First and foremost, anything I link to (affiliate or otherwise), be it an album, product, item, etc., I do so because I personally enjoy it. If I receive a product for free and mention it, I’ll tell you I got it for free. If I purchase a product and love it and tell you about it, I’ll tell you what I paid for it. And if by chance a company says “Sarah, we’ll pay you $X to talk about our product.” and it’s a product I already love, I’ll tell you that I’m also being paid (isn’t it the dream to get paid for that sort of thing, like if I was paid to eat the donuts I already eat every morning!)

I am an Avon Independent Sales Representative, so I earn a commission from any sale in my Avon eStore that originates from any links shared on this website. If you would prefer to make an offline Avon purchase directly from me (if you’re in my area) or from a representative local to you, I’d be happy to arrange that, just send me a message through the contact form.

Concerning music, I will always link to the artist website first when mentioning a record. I would rather you order the album directly from them so they get to see a greater portion of the profits, I do not and will not accept any money from an artist or their management for any type of consideration. However, this is the digital age and a lot of people prefer to download their music, so I opted to become an iTunes Affiliate. I receive a commission from any purchase made from my affiliate link, it comes from the Apple portion of the sale, not the artist’s portion. So it’s a win-win, you support a hard working artist and help fund this website and my donut habit. Rest assured, I will only post my affiliate links where applicable and I won’t go out of my way to find excuses to post it either.