
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. -Maya Angelou

A lot of change happened all at once, really fast. So pardon how silent it has been on lately. Now I have a spare moment (and some wi-fi) to share the news.

I am pleased to announce that I am paid to be a morning person! I’ve accepted a position at another station in the company I was working for as co-host of their award winning morning show. I had to find a place to move and actually move in less than a week, but I’m settling in nicely. It’s a small town, about an hour outside of Dallas.

There are some exciting things to come with the change in my day job. Not only is it a promotion, I’ll have some even cooler podcast guests from it. I’m still working my Avon side-hustle, just working on meeting a whole new town of people to share that with.

So pardon the lack of updates, once I get my schedule in order (waking up at 4:45am is no joke), I’ll have plenty of posts. -sarah

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